Sunday, October 16, 2011

Treasury Trade with the Canadian Team

A group of members from the Canada-Canadian Etsy Team have pooled together and created treasuries from each other's shops.  Here is mine:

or click here Naturally Canada

I chose these products because of my fascination with butterflies.  Since I didn't have time to raise any this year (I was too busy getting married), I thought I would post some items from my fellow Canadians.  I was surprised to see so many shops with butterflies products.

Here are the other treasuries from the other members.  Take a look around.

Amber & Oranges of Canada
Christmas Gift Ideas
Canucks Love Doing It Outdoors
Canadian All Stars
Romantic Reds Canada
Loving Green and Canada
Canadian Talent
Down to Earth Canadian
Richness of a Candian Autumn
Romantic Canada
From Canada with Love

I love being Canadian!

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