***Turducken*** A New Year's Eve tradition. Chicken and
duck stuffed into a turkey, layered with strips of bacon...... |
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!
The holiday is almost over with a few more days to go. After all the delicious food I've had this past week it's time to think about the future of my "hobby business".
I've come to realize a few things.
1. I haven't created any new items for half a year. Part if the reason is my day job as a teacher. Teaching a new grade makes my life a bit busier than normal. I come home from work and all I want to do is rest and watch mindless t.v. and then do some more marking/planning till it's time to sleep. The other reason is that I really don't have the motivation the create anything. So I have decided to put my shop on hiatus for a bit. I won't be renewing anymore but I will still be taking custom orders. And maybe do some bead soup... :)
2. I've been to a few craft/handmade shows this year and I find that the people who go to these shows are young women with kids. I wanted to sell at a craft show one day but now I don't think that is where my target audience are. Most of my customers are people who purchase for weddings. They most likely will not go to a craft show looking for bridal jewellery. So.... I probably won't be entering into a show anytime soon. Unless I come up with a line of jewellery that is unique and serves the audience at craft shows.
3. Even if I had the motivation and the time to work on new pieces, I don't have a convenient area to work. Even though in a previous post, I mentioned that I made room on my bedroom table, it is now taken over by school related material. The hubby and I are in the process of looking for a new place to live so hopefully I can find something soon and set up a real studio!
So, in conclusion, it's time to say goodbye (or see you soon) to my shop for the next little while and move into my new house (after I find one of course), then set up a studio work space for my beady stash.
HELLO 2013.....
We've bought a new house!!! I'll be moving at the end of this month (April 2013) and have already picked out a room for a studio. A real studio! With a desk, chair and hopefully some shelves! So that means I might be starting up my shop again by the summer! Yeah!!!!